Chi-Wang Shu


Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles 1986 UnitedStates
Dissertation: Numerical Solutions of Conservation Laws

Advisor: Stanley Joel Osher

Click here to see the students ordered by family name.

Jiang, Guang-ShanBrown University1995
Quillen, CarlBrown University1995
Wong, PeterBrown University1995
Christofi, StavrosBrown University1996
Gottlieb, SigalBrown University19984
Hu, ChangqingBrown University1999
Lepsky, OlgaBrown University2000
Shi, JingBrown University2001
Yan, JueBrown University20022
Ryan, JenniferBrown University20035
Sebastian, KurtBrown University2003
Zhang, Yong-TaoBrown University20039
Li, FengyanBrown University20044
Chen, ShanqinBrown University2005
Xu, YanUniversity of Science and Technology of China200520
Xu, ZhengfuBrown University2005
Chou, Ching-ShanBrown University20065
Xing, YulongBrown University20064
Yuan, LingBrown University2006
Cheng, YingdaBrown University20074
Lu, YadongUniversity of Science and Technology of China2007
Qiu, JingmeiBrown University20077
Shen, JunUniversity of Science and Technology of China2007
Huang, LingUniversity of Science and Technology of China2008
Wang, WeiBrown University2008
Xia, YinhuaUniversity of Science and Technology of China20085
Liu, WeiChinese Academy of Sciences2010
Roy, IshaniBrown University2010
Zhang, RuiUniversity of Science and Technology of China2011
Zhang, XiangxiongBrown University20111
Liu, YuanyuanUniversity of Science and Technology of China2012
Tan, SiruiBrown University2012
Xiong, TaoUniversity of Science and Technology of China2012
Zhong, XinghuiBrown University2012
Fjordholm, UlrikETH Zürich20133
Yang, YangBrown University20132
Zhang, YifanBrown University2013
Chen, ZhengBrown University2014
Du, JieUniversity of Science and Technology of China2015
Jiang, YanUniversity of Science and Technology of China2015
Wu, LeiBrown University2015
Lu, JianfangUniversity of Science and Technology of China2016
Li, TingtingUniversity of Science and Technology of China2017
Liu, QingyuanUniversity of Science and Technology of China2017
Qin, TongBrown University2017
Zhao, BingyuBrown University2017
Pazner, Will E.Brown University2018
Shi, CengkeBrown University2018
Sun, ZhengBrown University2018
Chen, TianhengBrown University2019
Wang, KunruiBrown University2019
Liu, YongUniversity of Science and Technology of China2020
Tao, QiUniversity of Science and Technology of China2020
Yang, LiangzeUniversity of Science and Technology of China2021
Yu, XinyueBrown University2022
Xu, ZiyaoBrown University2023
Izgin, ThomasUniversität Kassel2024

According to our current on-line database, Chi-Wang Shu has 57 students and 127 descendants.
We welcome any additional information.

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