There are 9 mathematicians whose last name begin with MD.
Md, Sameeulla | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad | 2018 |
Md., Ali Zinna, | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | 2014 |
MD Ahamed, Fayaz | The University of Memphis | 2024 |
Md-Ali, Ruzlan | University of Warwick | 2006 |
Md Derus, Khamirrudin | 2020 | |
Mdimagh, Asma | École Polytechnique de Montréal | 2013 |
Mdlongwa, Precious | Botswana International University of Science & Technology | 2019 |
Md Nor, Bakar | University of Warwick | 1993 |
Mdzinarishvili, Leonard | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | 1968 |